Charter School

Institute for  Academic  Achievement
A Public Charter School
Established September 8, 2009Essay Writing School


Wednesday September 7, 2011 from 5:00PM to 7:00PM
  • 5:00PM grades K-2 assembly
  • 5:45PM grades 3-5 assembly
  • 6:15PM grades 6-8  assembly
After the assembly for your students grade level teachers will be in their rooms to meet with parents/guardians. If you have students in multiple grade levels you only need to attend the assembly once, but visit your students class at the appropriate time set for teacher availability.

“Class supply lists can now be found on the Handbooks page”

EIAA continually accepts enrollment applications and places students as slots open, on a lottery basis.   You may submit your application to the school in person, mail it or e-mail as an attachment.

Why we are supporting school uniform in our Charter School

There are a lot of reasons why some people choose to want students to wear and that we are uniforms. Some say they are for children were uniforms because it may help with time management, help bring the bullying ratio down, and set a professional atmosphere that has no distractions so the students can focus on the assignment presented and not on one another.

There are a good amount of people that would also be against uniforms because it will cost the students their freedom of expression. Students who wear uniforms tend to show more civil characteristics between each other. Some students say uniforms can help restore a source of pride by being a part of something, especially if the organization has an acceptable rating. It can give a sense of identity about the school.

Uniforms are easy and straight forward, there is no need for effort. Uniforms give off a professional vibe and can boost a positive influence on behavior since the student is representing the organization they attend as long as they’re wearing the uniform, it could remind them to act a certain way in order to not give off a bad influence. This is similar to the way adults have to wear suits to be taken seriously when representing their company.

Around the world uniforms are thought of in different ways, In South Korea, it is thought of as a fashion statement but is mandatory for students to wear whether they are in a public or private school. In Japan, school uniforms are thought of as a manga/anime style. Boys usually wear a white shirt, tie, and tailored trousers as uniform while the girls wear a white blouse with pleated skirts. The blouse has a sailor-style collar. To further enhance the fashion look of the uniform, girls try to wear shorter skirts and team them with knee-length stockings. Students have to wear navy-blue socks with black shoes, as part of their uniform.

Advocates of uniforms state that the wearing of uniforms helps create a more professional atmosphere in school the public school review states that uniforms help you alleviate the peer pressure of stylish dressing in the “best” brands.

This can be very true amongst boys and girls in middle school and high school that are bombarded with magazines and social media that display images of people and models that were the latest styles. With uniforms, there is less peer pressure on trying to decide on what outfit to wear in the morning, this helps students to take less time on looking for the right outfit and can cause attendance to improve because of the small amount of time it takes to get ready. Uniforms are easy and straight forward, there is not much thinking about it.

Many social groups are formed basically on how people are dressed. Kids whose families are less fortunate and cannot afford the latest trends tend to not be a part of the “popular” crowd and they get made fun of for what they wear. Surely there still will be cliques, but it would take the judgments of people’s clothing out of the equation.